Picturehouse Cinemas

HKFF: Short Films Collections + Q&A

Presented by the University of Southampton and the Hong Kong Film Festival. Before The Summer Snow 《夏雪將至》directed by Andy Law (41 mins) In 2019, Ching joined the Hong Kong protests and sought refuge in Taiwan after her brother Long was arrested. In the cold summer of 2024, she returned to Hong Kong to visit her mother and Long who was incarcerated, and proposed the idea of moving to Taiwan to live together. 《夏雪將至》中文介紹 香港僑生鍾晴於2019年參與社會運動時,因弟弟鍾朗被捕後到台灣暫避風頭,繼而定居。2024年夏,在香港持續五年的寒冬中,身懷六甲的鍾晴回到香港,探望年邁獨居的母親以及身在牢獄的鍾朗,並向二人提出一同到台灣生活的打算。 Director info Law Lok Man Andy, a filmmaker from Hong Kong, was born in 1998. In 2022, he was selected for the 14th Golden Horse Film Academy, and his graduation project 'Before The Summer Snow' was nominated for Best Student Narrative Film at the 44th Golden Harvest Awards. 導演簡介 1998年⽣,⾹港⼈,影像⼯作者。畢業於國⽴臺灣藝術⼤學電影學系,主修導演。2022其畢業製作《夏雪將至》入圍第44屆金穗獎最佳學生劇情片,其後入選第14屆金馬電影學院學員,至今持續創作中。 Gone 《念你如昔》 directed by Kam-Hei Chan (28 mins) Joanna's son has been missing for years. Before forgetting him due to dementia, she decides to embark on a final journey to find her son.Taxi driver Peng, who immigrated to Taiwan from Hong Kong in his early years, still cares about his hometown. In the process of assisting Joanna, Peng also got redemption from the melancholy of leaving home. 故事簡介 年近花甲、換上失智症的阿娟以為兒子失蹤已是此生最痛,怎料將要記不起他的面容才是痛徹深髓。這日,她坐上香港司機阿鵬的計程車,踏上最後的尋子旅程。因為香港局勢變動,阿鵬早已決定移民台灣,卻仍心繫家鄉。在協助阿娟的過程中,阿鵬彷彿也從離鄉背井的惆悵中獲得救贖。想念與遺忘之間,可以是一瞬,也可以是一生。當記憶消亡時,我們還能留住什麼? Director info Horse Film Academy in 2022.Conditioned received the Best Director, Screenplay, and Fresh Wave Award at the 10th HK Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival. This is not the end was awarded the Silver Award in the 26th IFVA Competition. 導演介紹 陳淦熙,北藝大電影所導演組主修,香港演藝學院畢業,2022年入選金馬電影學院。曾執導多部短片,《若男》獲得第十屆香港鮮浪潮國際短片最佳導演、最佳劇本以及鮮浪潮大獎。《三步》獲得第26屆IFVA比賽公開組銀獎、桃園電影節台灣獎入圍、金穗獎入圍。Chan Kam-Hei graduated from HKAPA, completed his MFA at the TNUA, and was selected for the Golden Plain Sailing 《凪》 directed by Sasha Chuk (25 mins) Bai and Hei were brought together by a head-on wave. Out in the tranquil bay, glimmering and vast, they developed a romantic relationship. Yet the tides of the sea draw back and fling up. Soon they realized the currents of the sea could never be always calm, just as life itself is a mix of ups, downs and precariousness. 影片中文簡介 (300字) 來自香港的小白到高雄散心,遇上在台灣打工的日本男孩小黑,兩人的相遇像突如其來的海浪,讓人來不及反應,我們稱之為愛情。二人決定躲在自己的「小世界」裡過理想的生活,然而風平浪靜的水面有天還是被打破了。小黑小白這時才發現,也許大世界並沒有他們想像中那麼大;小世界,也沒有那麼小... Director info Sasha Chuk graduated from The University of Hong Kong (Major in Sociology and Chinese Literature). Her directorial debut The Dropout of Her was shortlisted in the 13th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival. In 2020, she won the Hong Kong First Feature Film Initiative with Fly Me to the Moon. 導演簡介(100字) 祝紫嫣畢業於香港大學文學院,主修中國文學及社會學。2020年憑作品《但願人長久》贏得香港首部情電影計劃。作品《林同學退學了》於2019年第十三屆香港鮮浪潮短片比賽獲得最佳攝影。 Ka Leung NG and Simon AU (Hong Kong film practitioner) will participate the Q&A

125 Minutes
Short Film

HKFF: Short Films Collections + Q&A Show Times

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