Picturehouse Cinemas

Earwig and the Witch

1/10 from 1 User

Magic, mystery, a plucky heroine and her loyal cat: don’t let the shift to CGI fool you, this is a classic Studio Ghibli adventure through and through. Based on the book by Diana Wynne Jones (author of Howl’s Moving Castle), Earwig is a young orphan growing up and causing mischief in the British countryside, all the while unaware of her mother’s magical past. When she’s adopted by a suspicious, selfish witch and her mysterious partner, Earwig must learn to understand the skills she’s inherited as she makes her way through a spooky world of spells and secrets

Etsushi Toyokawa, Gaku Hamada, Miyuki Sahaku, Shinobu Terajima, Yûji Ueda
Gorô Miyazaki
83 Minutes

Earwig and the Witch Show Times

There are currently no sessions scheduled. Please check back again later.