Picturehouse Cinemas

Green Screen: The Happy Man Tree (Duke's @Komedia)

#noticethistree Intervention no 5 ‘Protest and Loss’ The ‘Happy Man Tree’ documentary (75mns) shows the highs and lows of the campaign to save one 150 year old London Plane tree from developers. Director Katy McGahen started filming at the very beginning of the campaign. She has created a unique insight into the people who came together and created a singular community around this street tree in North London. The film is touring the UK in a series of special events called Interventions. Intervention no 5 invites people to walk from trees at risk or lost or simply loved to the cinema, and tell their own stories of trees before the screening of the ’The Happy Man Tree’ film. The event begins around 4pm with the film screening around 4.45pm. After the screening there is an invitation to reflect and ask ‘what now’? The director and people from the campaign will be part of the reflection. For more details please visit www.noticethistree.org and join the Whatsapp group for Brighton tree walks and latest information on the event https://chat.whatsapp.com/J9rjwwCNQr618LkrKiRNCw Green Screen which is a new and unique strand for Picturehouse working with local groups to ‘meaningfully’ screen environmental films, followed by a panel and then an opportunity to connect and continue the conversation in our bars and cafes. The Green Screen is a safe, respectful space for people to share actions, ideas, solutions and raise awareness.

Katy McGahan
150 Minutes
+ Q&A + Q&A
2D 2D
Picturehouse Docs Picturehouse Docs

Green Screen: The Happy Man Tree (Duke's @Komedia) Show Times

Saturday, 15 June 2024